Learning how to cope

I currently am living in the same house as my husband and we have decided to divorce. I’m not in a financial position to move out as I’m out of work due to an injury and have NO income. I’ve been turned down for unemployment and am trying to get workers comp. My husband who until a month ago always provided me with financial support because I don’t make that much money. He said since we aren’t “together” anymore he’s not obligated to help me. I have never in this marriage asked him for anything. He’s always been the breadwinner in the family and taken care off all the household bills and supported his son. I worked to take care of the debt I had before our marriage. It has been a very difficult living situation as we have no contact, verbal or othewise. He’s been unfaithful and I have no trust in him. He’s currently in the Army(soon to retire) and said JAG told him he doesn’t have any obligation to me. Meanwhile, I’m out of work(going through physical therapy), can’t find another job to pay my bills which are now overdue. I’m starting to get really depressed & don’t know what to do? Any advice I can get would be appreciated.

If you haven’t already, please post this to the attorney response forum.

The one year separation period required by the state of NC doesn’t start until you live in separate residences.

You are entitled to support. How long will depend upon the length of the marriage. The amount will depend upon your husband’s income and any money you may have earned during the marriage.

If you can prove that he committed adultery, you can file for a Divorce from Bed and Board to get him out of the house and start the one year separation period.

Once again, for more particulars, you should really post this to the attorney’s forum.