My ex may file to have me arrested on a contempt charge that is unfounded. He is making up lies which I can respond to. How can I find out the process regarding this? If he makes up charges do I have a chance to submit paperwork in my defense/response? Does this go before the judge? Will I have to appear? What is the best course of action for me to take?
I live out of state and just had to take unpaid time off work to attend court because of this issue. My employer stated they may have to let me go if I have to keep taking off work (I have no accrued time left). My ex does not pay child support and I barely made rent this month. If I was ordered to appear, I don’t think I could even get there. I have no money for gas (around $100 r/t) or bus fair (around $90). My friends and family are tapped out from helping me as it is. I think it is my ex’s ploy to have me fail so he can seek physcial custody of the kids. He tried at the very beginning of this ordeal and lost. He has been trying ever since and instead of contributing towards his children’s welfare, he keeps filing motions.
Is there any type of court ombudsman or someone that helps people in my situation?