PSS and Alimony

Once the PSS is determined and the final countdown for divorce begins. What are next steps? Will my stbx and I have to submit financial information (since separation) such as bank statements, Pay stubs etc again at hearing for alimony?

Alimony is determined at the same time, or after the property is distributed, either by consent of the parties, or in an Equitable Distribution hearing. You will have to submit updated financial documents for the alimony trial in accordance with the local rules in your county.

Ok, thank you. I think I understand. We have already divided physical property, but not yet ED of debt and other assets. Our debt actually is much higher than assets and have filed a counterclaim for ED. I would like to be more prepared for the alimony hearing, gathering and keep all financial documents. So, If i understand this correctly, after the ED hearing and before the alimony hearing, I will need all of my financial documents again?

The requirements are different in different counties. I suggest you read the local rules governing your county. The can be located on the AOC website:

I am in Wake County.

The Domestic Rules are posted for Wake County on the website.

Exactly what is an "Initial Status Conference’?

It is a meeting that all parties attend with the judge to set deadlines for discovery, alternative dispute resolution, and to otherwise ensure the case is on track.