Hi I’m separated with my wife due to me seeing and having a relationship with a married woman. My kind wife doesn’t want alimony and doesn’t want to press charges. In our separation we signed the waiver releasing 3rd parties. My girlfriend just got a separation and her sep. states the same as mine. 3rd party Waiver and no alimony. However we both have kids and desire living together now. This will not breech our separation agreements with our spouses, there is no alimony, and no worry sposes will come after us. Her son will live with us. My wife put it in our agreement I have to keep my girlfriend away from my kids for one year. Before me and my newly separated girlfriend want to move in together is there anything we should be aware of? I know having sex is illegal, buuuuuuut we promise we aren’t gonna do that, just cohabitate. Her or I will have a po box and no physical address, and other things that don’t point right out we are living together. Any concerns or things I still need to watch for? If someone cared we were cohabiting what could happen to us. My fear is it is somehow a felony and our separation states our kids can’t live with a felon. Is that true? Could we both be labeled as felons and then couldn’t live together because our kids cant live in our *cohabiting environment?
If your separation agreement stipulates that you will not have your son in the presence of your girlfriend, she cannot live with you, at least while your son is there whether or not you hide it, you are in breach of the contract and could face the consequences. There is no felony charge that exists for this behavior.