Service by publication question

Hello ! I am hearing two different things. We Had to do process service by publication for a missing spouse in regards to absolute divorce here in Mecklenburg County. Do you file the remaining papers forty days from the first day after the first publication or does the forty day wait start from the last day of last publication date?? Help PLEASE!!!

I am not aware of the deadline. You better ask a lawyer. However, a big portion of the country’s home loans are underwater, meaning more is owed on the loan than the house is worth. However, a California business has a novel repair in mind, which involves local governments using the power of eminent domain to push a refinance.

Masonfold what are you talking about I think you answered a different question in my post

Service by publication increases the standard waiting period from thirty to forty days, measured from the date of the first newspaper notice. To learn more about service by publication, consult our DIY Divorce eBook.