
We are about to go to settlement conference. If we don’t settle, and I have proof of adultrey. What would I file next to keep her from getting alimony?

What is the next step in equitable distribution if we don’t settle, and she moves out. Will we have a hearing? What if she moves out of state?

The pictures would be used as evidence at trial. If they prove that she engaged in adultery, she will be barred from receiving alimony.

ED will be decided by a judge at trial if you cannot reach a settlement. She will be required to attend the hearing, even if she moves out of state.

At equitable distribution do I tell about the adultrey or do I have to file a hearing for that?

Adultery is not considered in property distributions.

So what do I need to file to file charges for adultrey?

There are no charges to file. You will use your evidence of adultery in the alimony trial to attempt to bar her from receiving the same.

How do I file an alimony trial?

If your wife has an alimony claim pending, you may set a date for trial by contacting the clerk.