I am working permanent job vs temp job but my permanent job pays less per hour verses temp job but I have benefits. Per month making $320 less to pay bills. Plus need surgery under husbands medical so need to have done before year end & will be out of work for about a week no pay. Told my attorney back in October neither atty could do October now November neither atty can do that. Then my atty tells me to submit expenses. Is she not understanding what I am asking. I need support in the short term because of job circumstances. How to proceed??? Do both attorneys get involved with support which leads to alimony? Please advise
The only way to receive postseparation support or alimony is by agreement between Husband and Wife or by court order. If your spouse is not agreeing to pay your any support payments, then you must schedule postseparation support (temporary support) for a court date. The judge will hear the evidence and make issue an order.
You must have a need for support payments to receive them. This is why a list of your current monthly income along with all of your current monthly expenses is important when determining how much postseparation support and/or alimony should be.
Attorneys for both Husband and Wife are involved in postseparation support and alimony.
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest
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