FYI This came from a my cell phone provider I will mention the not name Nor am I a lawyer. This is pretty interesting if the court would support it depends on the lawyers work and the full complaint against an individual.
Protection of ####### #### and Others:
We release personal information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law or in good faith reliance on legal process (e.g., court orders, subpoenas, E911 information, etc.); enforce or apply our customer agreements; initiate, render, bill, and collect for services; protect our rights or property, or protect users of those services and other carriers from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful use of, or subscription to, such services; facilitate or verify the appropriate calculation of taxes, fees, or other obligations due to a local, state, or federal government; or if we reasonably believe that an emergency involving immediate danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure of communications, or justifies disclosure of records, to a governmental entity without delay.
Further down in this you can even request the GPS location of the phone during time periods. Some phones track even when they are turned off when your spouse is supposed to be at work and at the others house or a bar should be pretty credible information especially with pictures of the two individuals togather regualy over a period of time, in variouse locations at odd hours.
A record of incoming and outgoing calls and TXT messages is kept and should be valuable especially in Alienation of Effection, Adultry and or Divorce.
Excessive amounts at all times of the day and night with and pictures to support an A/E claim could be very incriminating I beleive in NC this can lead to big money.
These record should support a claim for A/E against the lover confidiant and or whomever and possibly criminal conversation if there was intercourse and evidence to prove it.
I beleive the actions of another if continued especially after confronting an individual and the unfaithful spouse ends the marriage and the interferance and or influence of another creates the situation for the marriage to end has certian requirements but a lawyer could advise you more on that.
Actions after the date of seperation I beleive can also be taken into account to further support the A/E claim, such as co habitation while spouse is still legally married and or a relationship is ongoing.
I beleive the hurt party has 3 years to file a claim.
It sounds like you may be worried about something and should leave a married couple to resolve thier issues within a reasonable manner, and not influence and or interfear with a marriage. Maybe too late for that, but I would be very careful while the unfaithful party may want to start participating in the marriage with counseling, if the other party is willing to forgive and or seek legal seperation and divorce within the law.
These situations with A/E and Adultry destroys families and peoples lifes most importantly the children of a marriage. I am not sure what has happend to the marriage vows. Until death do us part we shall love respect and cherish eachother through sickness and health before the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost… It seems like all of that is forgotten after the first night anymore.