Ok, no money left for attorneys so going pro-se.
At ED Judgment ex told to make payments since he claimed too poor to pay lump sum. The Judge that we mediated with asked me to accept payments of $700 monthly on a $22000 judgment.
Ex has only made 4 payments and is behind 4 payments so I filed motion to show cause for contempt over lack of payments for ED Judgment and Order. Judge hearing that case said that it wasn’t “willful” so not contempt.
I want to have the original order modified to include some penalty or interest for slow/no payments. I am helping our sons to go to college and paying off credit card debts that I got from the divorce and they interest rates of 21%.
- What else can I do to get the payment from him?
I had an attorney for the ED but no one thought to include interest on the money that he owed me. - Is there another legal avenue? Small claims?
- Also, my name is on the deed to the house, but he got the house, that is why he owes me $22000. Can I keep him from refinancing or anything else to the house until he pays me?
- Is there any free legal assistance, since this is now about defaulting on payments? (assistance in court)