Judicial Assistance?

In response to my question about which document to use to have the ED changed to include penalties and interests on the awarded amount, which has not been paid as ordered; you mentioned that I should try to get judicial assistance. I have called the court house (#26)and talked with someone in judgements and liens and they said that I don’t have a “judgement” so they cannot help me. They didn’t know who to call and suggested Legal Aid. In the past, Legal Aid said that they do not help with divorce cases. To me this isn’t about divorce anymore, it is about a payment agreement that was signed by ex, myself, and a judge and the “breaking” of that agreement by my ex. I have left a message with Legal Aid…two days ago.
Now what? He has hinted to our daughter that he and new wife (his divorce atty) they are going to buy a house together. I am afraid that he intends to drop the house back in my lap as his payment. But he has not paid the mortgage on time, or repaired major leaks throughout the house and I don’t’ want the house anymore. I moved on. How do I make him pay me?
Already did the motion for contempt, but didn’t know to amend it to include the other 3 months past due, so judge just said that he didn’t think it was willful, so not in contempt??? No suggestion of jail or any payment due date. My ex is living and working in the only property that we had and he doesn’t pay me for it. Please somebody tell me that it doesn’t end this way. I am taking care of the kids, 2 in college, and another one in high school. Judge made daughter (one in high school) visit “dad” and new wife every other weekend, but doesn’t make “dad” make child support payments or anything else. He was in default
for six months of child support and medical payments and ED and STILL IS!

You may file a motion for judicial assistance to have a judge set up a payment plan, or file a renewed motion for contempt which includes his most recent behavior, including the defaults on the child support and medical payments.

Are you still here? I have a question for you and will provide you with my personal email if you are. Thanks!

Feel free to start a new topic/post and I will answer it.

Anna Ayscue

Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest

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