Withholding Child till suppport is paid

Legally, he can not withhold visitations due to child support not being paid. You could get him on contempt of the child custody order but then again, if you haven’t paid him child support you will more than likely get caught in the same type of contempt. As far as speeding up the process, I would suggest that you get together all the proof you have of abuse, the recorded phone messages and anything else you have and talk with an attorney to file for emergency custody. Hopefully, an attorney will respond to this also.

I have been up on my child support, I’m current I pay this monnth’s on the 15th that’s when i get paid, but he is a spiteful man, who tell smy son awful things about me. I just want to get him away from him ASAP intill we go to court again.

[i]Originally posted by stepmother[/i] [br]Legally, he can not withhold visitations due to child support not being paid. You could get him on contempt of the child custody order but then again, if you haven't paid him child support you will more than likely get caught in the same type of contempt. As far as speeding up the process, I would suggest that you get together all the proof you have of abuse, the recorded phone messages and anything else you have and talk with an attorney to file for emergency custody. Hopefully, an attorney will respond to this also.

Hi I’m new to this I’ve been going through a custody battle for two years now, My son has always been with me since he was born, I only recently let him go stay with his father becase I was going through a terible divorce, and i didn’t know where I would be staying. Than all of the sudden he hit me with court papers for full custody, we went to the temp hearing and since I was living out of state they gave him primary and me secondary, Since than I have moved back to the stae and is still waiting to go to court, he has lived with a girlfriend, moved in with his mom, now lives with another girl, he has no stability he just got a job not to long ago, Now he says he can keep my son intill I pay this month’s support!! I know its not right he says its the law! I have a lawyer and he has one at times when he pays him, also he leaves nasty messages and I have evidence showing how he’s letting some other child abuse my child!! I feel the court system is slow and I can’t sit back and continue to see my child suffer does anyone know anything else I can do to speed this up or over turn the temp primary with the evidence I have, also he negleted to drop my son off for visitiation two weeks in the row he says his lawyer told him but he has lied and been caught before about lieing on his lawyer