Adultery evidence..alienation of affection

Theoretically you can sue someone for alienation of affection if they become involved with your spouse after you separate but before you divorce. However, given all the facts that you posted, it does not sound like you would have continued to have a happy marriage if it wasn’t for this other woman.

Helena M. Nevicosi
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm

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Suite 510
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Building 600
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Hi Jessica Almond
I am so sorry that you going through the same thing that I have went through. This hurts so much and I know how you feel been there done that,just want to let it go, trust me.
There is a much better man for you out there and you will see each other. Please do not let this hold you back like I am doing to my self I want to be right and do right but the first thing I must do are my children.
You are hurt and I can feel this but you see this that you are not wrong for what has happened he is.
Hope the best for you

Again I am the one whose husband only has filed for bed and board
and nothing gone final yet
SO as we are only separated…can get the woman (who is married) that is his intimate other…for alienation of affection? post-separation?
I KNOW he was seeing before separation but I have NO proof.
I followed them the other night…as said…had somebody go in club and take pics…but could NOT get pictures in DARK of them going into a house. Would have to have been too close and had a FLASH on.
HOw about a recording? tape recorder? may be able to get someone to get husband and gal in a coversation in bar and with the right questions they may let enough OUT.
There is a bartender who my husband has given all kinds of bogus info like saying MY house is HIS house and I stole it from him…cars and everything…and also bartender has seen these two together.
Can I get his him recorded…subpoena him…going to see this bartender/bar owner tonight that I know but have not seen fot sometime

Jessica Almond