Calendar request

Can anyone tell me how to or where to find the forms to file a calendar request ? I served my husband with divorce from bed and board, child custody, pss and alimony papers, he filed his response denying all actions and I am told I now need to file for a calendar request and have him served again. I can NOT find a generic document for this. What is the next step after that is done? HELP PLEASE

You may search the AOC website for a form calendar request. Your next step is to get dates from the clerk and schedule your temporary support hearings.

I have searched that site and unless I am overlooking something I can not find one. I have found one for wake county, Can I recreate it , and insert another county? Also I was told once I do that I have to serve my spouse again . What should I expect on that court day? From what I was told my case may not be heard that day , so I dont know if I should have all my documenetation and witnesses for that day.

You may use the form you found as a go –by, the calendar request can be served via regular mail. If you set a hearing you need to be present and prepared to move forward on that date.