My stbex and I have a temporary order in place for child support (I have posted a question on here about it before actually, Thanks again for the help then!). According to the calculation spreadsheet, I pay $488 per month which includes half of our son’s day care and $100 for half of his health insurance which she is responsible for providing for him. When we went to court in September of last year, she requested that she provide insurance for our son. I had no objection to that as long as she actually got him the insurance. She and her lawyer assured me she had already gotten a quote and he would be covered within a month. Well, that was four months ago… About two months ago she me a letter from her insurance provider stating he was not approved for insurance coverage through them; she then told me that she had exhausted every available option in finding him insurance and decided to get him medicaid. Well, during all the time that she was “exhausting every available option” I also looked for my son insurance and got him quotes and approvals for several different providers, obviously she only tried the one place and then decided to just get free insurance and take my money. (During this time, she also made claims about not being able to afford certain things for our son but she bought a brand new car and is living rent free at her parents and makes about $500 more than me a month and I just found out that she lied on the application for medicaid because her income is far more than the maximum income allowed for medicaid.) I ok with my son being on medicaid (as long as she is being honest on the application), but I am not okay with him being on medicaid while I am paying for him to have insurance so I sent over a letter to her attorney stating they needed to change the consent order in place to exclude the $100 per month I am paying for insurance or I would be forced to file for contempt since she is not following the order. That same day, my ex applied for and got approved for insurance for my son with BCBS but the monthly premium is only $98.32 so I am paying for the full amount of his insurance. I wouldn’t mind this so much if my ex had not taken complete advantage of me so far and I can’t even afford to eat off the dollar menu while my ex is taking trips every few weekends, buying a new car and partying it up every weekend. My question is this… Since she purposly disobeyed a court order for four months and now has insurance that is far less than what we had originally agreed to so she technically still isn’t following the order exactly, can I still file contempt?
Sorry for the book!