Child Support and Alimony

I am working on separating from my husband but before I can move out we need to know how much he will be required to give me for child Support and if he has to give anything for Alimony. Neither of us has a lot to spend on a court costs/lawyer fees so I am trying to find out and do as much as I can. How would we go about finding out the final amount without incurring fees or costs. Thank you.

You can get a pretty good estimate of child support by using the child support calculator on this website. You will need to plug in both of your gross incomes, medical insurance costs for the children, and daycare costs if applicable. The calculator will then supply a support figure.

Alimony is based on the reasonable needs of the dependant spouse (a shortfall determined by income plus child support less your monthly expenses), and the ability of the supporting spouse to pay.

Yes we did get the estimate, I just need to know how to go from there to get the actual amount plus to find out if I qualify for alimony. I guess I didn’t word it right.

You can get a child support worksheet off the N.C. Child Support website and do the calculations on the official form.

Whether you are entitled to alimony depends on the specific circumstances of your case, your incomes and your budgets.

That is great…Thanks. 1 more question…how do I go about finding out if I qualify for alimony? Can it be done without court costs??

You qualify for alimony if you are a dependant spouse. The definition for dependant spouse can be read in the statutes on the alimony tab of this site. If you are a dependant spouse you are entitled to alimony if your spouse has the ability to pay.

OK great. Can I ask what my next step is to get these amounts set?

You either need to file suit and have the court determine alimony, or negotiate directly with your spouse.