College and child support


I am curious? Is there any way to get assistance for your teen through college with child support? If not can I ask my ex to help with some college costs? I know in GA you can get help with that until college is over, but what about NC?

Do you have an agreement or order already in place for custody and support? If you do, then it will spell out what the ex’s obligations are beyond age 18. You can’t go to court though to make him/her pay for the child’s college or a portion of expenses while the child is in college, unless that has already been agreed to in writing by both parties. He can agree to do this, but the court will not make him. The legal obligation ends when the child is 18 and has graduated from high school.

Which of these is more accurate?
“The legal obligation ends when the child is 18 AND has graduated from high school.”
“The legal obligation ends when the child is 18 OR has graduated from high school.”

I ask because my daughters will each be under 18 when they are due to graduate from high school.

“The legal obligation ends when the child is 18 AND has graduated from high school.”

It’s which ever one comes last. You will be obligated to provide support until they reach the age of 18 even if they graduate before that.


NCEXHubby is correct. 18 and has graduated high school.