Good evening everyone,
I have a modification of child support hearing set for 2 weeks from today. I have the custody of my 2 girls and the father has visitation. I’ve received child support payments from him up until 5 months ago when he went on disablity and from there the girls have recieved money from what he gets each month. Now I have to get all my tax info and year to date wages together from the past two years. At this point in time I cannot afford to hire an attorney and I don’t know what I need to do. I would like to fight him over child support because if he can afford to hire an attorney then he can afford to pay what he owes. Is it a wise idea to try and tackle this on my own?? Every few years he takes me back to court for modfiy child support and custody of them.
Thanks for any advice
I would certainly recommend at least consulting with an attorney about your case. Certainly if he is going to be represented in court, you would be at a disadvantage to not have retained one yourself, but of course this is not always possible. You should meet with an attorney to create a plan of action for you, even if you had to represent yourself pro se moving forward.