Courts unfair to fathers

Instead of being a victim or contemplating suicide, fight for justice. You can make a difference, we all can make a difference together. Vote out biased judges, contact your representatives, governor, president, and anyone else voted in office and demand that these unfair laws be changed. Don’t give up, as you can see this thread was opened in 2007 and nothing has changed. The legal system wants you to be a victim and coward in a corner.

How many good fathers are in jail right now due to the inability to pay court mandated child support without anyone hearing their story? These fathers are lost in an unfair legal system. Any other type of debt it is illegal to put you in debtor’s prison, but not here in NC for child support. They will put you in jail if you are 30 days late. They do not care if they made the amount so ridiculously high that you are unable to pay. These laws are being passed in several states and soon be nationwide. Not being able to pay rent, eat, or transportation cost are not excuses to not pay the full amount mandated–the courts do not care if you are homeless, sick, or hungry. You are not a person except a dollar sign to them.

One man’s income was about $2200 a month and the court system mandated a child support payment of $2071 per month. He was also obligated to pay close to $450 a month for his first child’s support from a previous marriage. Long story short, he couldn’t pay, was thrown in jail with the court’s attitude of “don’t care.” He was in jail for 30 days before he was beaten to death by one of the guards–witness say it was unprovoked. There is something wrong with our legal system that deliberately makes fathers unable to pay child support. What is the reason behind of taking away one’s license–then how is one to drive to work? Then leaving you in jail until your debt is paid…how can you pay it off if jail? All this could be avoided if the payments are affordable instead of making them ridiculously high. I was going to give a link to this story, however, on line you have to read all the abuses fathers are receiving in jail and in the courts…it is documented and nothing is being done. Why? Because we are not having our voices heard. Q: Are fathers getting a fair shake from the child-support system? No: The system is criminalizing honest fathers and demoralizing their children. THERE ARE MANY ON-LINE STORIES

I will give you a link from NC gov’t stating procedures the follow. And for those who think I am a father, your wrong. I am happily married for over 30 years and a mother. Even I have witness the injustices by our courts towards fathers and know it is wrong. A squeaky wheel gets oiled, meaning we need to have our voices heard and the only way I know of is by the power of voting. It is our only weapon. Again vote out biased judges, contact your elected officials and demand these unfair laws and practices be changed. If we don’t fight, another 5 years will pass and nothing will change.

BS. It protects the evil and leaves the weak stranded with absolutely no help unless you have endless supplies of money. I’ve had to deal with an abusive husband who I have called the cops on and the police came to my house … HEARD ME SCREAMING … refused to take him away. I told them that he has my flip video camera that had EVIDENCE OF HIM ATTACKING me on it. They refused to make him give it to me or give it to THEM. Kids aren’t allowed to testify and their opinion doesn’t matter because they’re “too young”. We are forced to mediate with people who LOVE to argue and who have money and are forced to come to some sort of agreement or go to court (which we most often times also cannot afford). Child support hearings take months and we as mothers are left without any support whatsoever and no one bothers to PUSH for anything. My STBX gets fired THE DAY BEFORE CHILD SUPPORT COURT and it gets postponed AGAIN. So no support for FOUR MONTHS and then once he does get a job, a TEMPORARY order is submitted because it’s primarily sales and weighs heavily on comissions so he’s paying MINIMAL support and making MAXIMUM money!!

While I agree that our legal system needs a HUGE overhaul, it’s for a myriad of reasons!! The piddly amount of child support received for TWO CHILDREN is NOTHING compared to what he should be paying.

Well I’m just starting the process.

My wife has had multiple affairs in our marriage and has big psych and alcohol issues. When when I started the process of separation she goes off. She assaulted me one night then called the police. The police came, she was drunk, I was sober, she had no marks. I went down and filed assault charges and she was arrested.

The next day I went to the local domestic abuse advocacy group and was basically blown off. These groups should advertise “men need not apply” on their door.

Then the same advocates who talked to me, advocated for my wife. Three days after she assaulted me she files a false 50-B and then 2 days files falsely that I broke it and had me arrested for 2 days. I went back and tried to get copies of my paperwork from the “family peace” group and they told me 3 different stories why they couldn’t give me a copy. At this point they knew they were advocating for my wife and had already picked their side.

I filed for temporary custody and have it now with her having limited visitation along with a rule-65 restraining order. This really is how our separation has begun. I’m now paying her $1500 / mo. support with me having primary physical custody of the boys. She has had multiple affairs, slandered me, had me falsely arrested, cannot support her kids or care for them due to her issues, but yet I still have to fully support her. I can guarantee you that she made the false allegations to get an upper hand in the separation. She didn’t know how much evidence I had collected related to her drinking though.

The key point is that either side can be at fault. There are women out there that can be just as bad as any man, but the system doesn’t see it that way.

I know a lot of fathers, paternal grandmothers, step-moms, and other females on the paternal side feel like the court is BIASED in how the courts handle custody in ANY state. However, most fathers rights groups are now focused on the Social Security Act, Title IV, Part D as the culprit for all of this.

The basics of this legislation is that if states establish a child support enforcement agency and report their collections and PERFORMANCE, then states can dip their hands into a multi multi billion dollar, seemingly endless treasure trove of cash from the federal government that is located within Social Security.

Now, why did I capitalize PERFORMANCE? Many believe performance means that if states can show they are collecting more and more, and larger child support monies, they can dig deeper. Therefore, many believe there is a financial incentive for the state to have a divisive system so that someone has to pay child support. If the court moved to 50/50, then there would be less PERFORMANCE in collection AMOUNTS for States. This would mean less access to free money for States.