Deployment vs custody

I am active duty military and I am thinking about leaving my husband. Does my deployment schedule have an effect on my chances for getting custody of our child? He is a civillian. I am usually gone for 6 months then home for 6-18 months. My ideal arriangment would be for my child to live with me when I am home, with weekend visits to her father, and for her to stay with him while I deploy. Also, I am the primary breadwinner in our relationship. Will child support amounts vary througout the year, depending on who has the child? How does it work when one parent has to be out of the country? I know I will have to give him money when I am deployed, but what about when I am home, if I have her the majority of the month? Thank you for your help.

Child support is based on the total number of overnights each parent has for the entire year. If you have custody of your child when you are here and that number is less than 123 overnights annually child support will be based on a Worksheet A, if however you have your child for over 123 nights per year, support will be based on a Worksheet B.

The guidelines are set up to keep support consistent through the year, with not need to change the number on a monthly basis.