I have been married for almost 12 years. The past 6 years have been really hard as my husband drinks every day. He buys most of his beer with his debit card and generally I calculate he drinks at least 3 - 24 packs of beer each week that he buys from the corner beer store. He was arrested in July 2008 for DUI and blew almost twice the legal limit. He has went through $75,000 in savings and depleted all of our accounts. He now has a job that he thinks I don’t know about and is setting up a secret checking account in an attempt not to pay much child support. He currently pays the mortgage payment and electric bill only. He does not contribute to any expenses incurred with our children. Our children are 17, 10 & 3. The 2 youngest are our children and the 17 year old is my daughter from a previous relationship. I do not want to move my children from our home as it would be devastating for my middle daughter and him not working for 2 years placed us in a financial bind.
[color=#FF0000][b]Is there any way I can have him removed from the house?[/color]
We do own our home and we do own business equipment but he has said he will let the house foreclose before he will pay me any equity or child support. He tried to sell the house to his Mother so she could kick me & the girls out and he would sell it for what is owed but he can’t sell it without my signature so if I leave he will let the house foreclose. He bought the house 6 months before we were married and paid $12,000 down. I contributed to it but at the time I just took money from the bank and gave him cash instead of writing a check to him over the course of the year we saved the down payment. I pay the equity payment, cell phones, food, insurance and all expenses for the girls. We have always maintained separate bank accounts. We own $50,000 in shop equipment and have $60,000 equity in our home.