Easter/Spring Break Visitation Provision

Had custody hearing in December, just got Order this month, finally. Long story short, my attorney brought ZERO evidence to court, not one email, nothing. My parenting was not called into question, but without anything to back me up about issues w/a summer visitation schedule things did not go as well as planned and it just looked like 2 people bickering as per usual in these cases. I am Catholic and attend church. Daughter even just made first communion this past year. Judge ordered every Easter/Spring Break w/dad. Ever heard of this?

Yes, it is possible for one holiday to be awarded to the same parent each year. Perhaps the judge ordered a holiday that you will have every year. The judge’s decision depends on the testimony that was presented at trial.

Anna Ayscue

Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest

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