I have been divorced since 2008 due to both physical and mental abuse. I was issued a B50 back in 2008 for a year. I tired after to get another order of protection but was told I couldn’t becuse my ex did not physically threaten me that it would not be granted. My ex husband has continued to mentally harass me by having his ex wife and mom make false police reports against me and most recently there was a call to CPS regarding my children’s welfare. All allegations were reported untrue by my children through investigation by CPS. My children as ell as my ex have reported to me that my ex is telling them false things about me and I have actually witnessed him berating me last eek on the phone hile talking to my son. His anger and actions still intimidate and scare me after all these years. My 16 yr old is having a really hard time with all of this and being put in the middle and I have recently put both myself and him in counseling. I have found out that he also possess a gun and with the recent flare ups I am scared and wonder if I have any options. Please advise.
You can pursue a new domestic violence protective order under Chapter 50(B). We provide plenty of information about how to obtain a DVPO on ourDomestic Violence Center, including the standards the court will look at, the process to obtain the order, and the various types of relief. Simply because your previous order was not continued, you are not prevented from obtaining a subsequent order.