Ex Parte

The first time we went to court in regards to my x filing an ex parte, I won. Then we had to go a second time in front of another judge which ruled for him.

I was told that I could file a hearing at any time. I want to do that. I know I need to do a Notice of Hearing, but what document do I need to file with that? I want to revert back to our original agreement of week on week off. My x is being a jerk and will only let me see my son 5 hours a week when the judge told him that he was suppose to work with me for additional time. His attorney left that out of the order the judge signed but it was stated in court. I’m requesting the first judge to hear the case as the other judge wouldn’t even listen to anything I said as his mind was made up before he even went in to the courtroom.

I don’t do drugs nor have I and I am going to walk in with a hair test to prove that. Just because I bartend doesn’t mean I drink at work, but this judge said I probably do since I bartend. I’m going to have a statement from my employer to disprove that.

What form do I need to file with the Notice of Hearing?


It sounds like you are trying to modify a child custody order. In order to do so, you need to file a motion to modify as well as the notice of hearing.

Thank you!!!