I share joint legal & physical custody with my of my children with my ex-wife as stated in our separation agreement. There has never been a court ordered custody case. They live with their mother primarily and with me every other weekend.
Recently she has begun taking them to several different doctors excessively. The mother is the type that is always seeking sympathy from others for some made up or exaggerated medical condition. Since she recently healed from her last medical issue, all of the sudden my children are deathly ill and on multiple medications for everything from depression and bi-polar to seizures. One of them is experiencing chronic dizziness and dehydration, she is seeing neurologists and cardiologists that can’t figure out what is going on. Neither of them have EVER experienced a seizure. All of these medications are being administered without my consent and I have made several requests for the names and phone numbers of all of the doctors seeing the children but they have been ignored. What are my options? I can not afford a lawyer, so if I did take court action I would have to represent myself. If my ex-wife has doctors saying the children need these medications, even if they don’t, then what grounds do I have to stand on?
Thank you in advance!