Extention of alimony

I was married for 21 years. The Orders allow alimony to continue for 10 years and for it to end due to the usual circumstances. I will be 60 years old when alimony ends and am concerned as to how I am going to live at that stage in my life. I had to go back to work at age 50 and do not see myself retiring at any point. Meanwhile, the ex is set to retire next year at age 56. My alimony payments will not be a stretch for him even if he does retire! Is it possible to have alimony extended? Can that be done?

Alimony will not be modified unless you can prove there has been a substantial change in circumstances warranting a change. In this particular case I believe it would be even more difficult to change as alimony typically does end around retirement age. The idea is that any retirement benefits were also divided and the dependant spouse will begin receiving his/her share of those benefits at retirement age.