Father's Rights

Basically, the person at the hospital admitted to lying. When I press for a motive, they blameshift. I’m so mad right now, I’d rather just relax. I did obtain a loan to move forward with the custody suit. I still can’t believe no one has seen this child, and no one will without my filing suit.

Bluehorse, I am the father of the child in question and in response to your post above, yes, I agree father=$$$$$$ for the states. Period! There are no rights for fathers biological or not. I will be paying child support as ordered but to see my child I have to file for custody and visitation and honestly can’t afford the aid of an attorney. So, I will be doing that on my own. Filing Fee $95.00, Time lost from working, $100-$1000?, filing out a piece of paper that would give me the rights to see MY daughter USELESS, as the mom will just pick up and dissappear again.

I made a “deal” with the child support worker who veiled a threat of having to pay the entire 12 years of arrearges by saying basically agree to start paying now and since she has not used TANF, we will only make you pay arrearges from the time when the suit was filed (lets say Jan as an example here) even though I wasn’t served the papers until months later.

My case wasn’t even heard by a judge, just a child support enforcement worker. In other words, don’t bother the judge with this because he/she might see things differently and make you pay the FULL amountis what I got. There is no justice, I would urge you to demand a paternity test, demand removal of your name from the birth certificate, if you are not Dad.

I have to disagree with the people that are saying go ahead and start paying child support but, I do agree with the folks that have said make an account and save up the money just in case. It is obvious all the states care about is getting reimbursed for any assistance they have paid out or might have to pay out.

What ever happened to what is best for the child? Apparently, that only matters when mom and dad disagree on custody/visitation. What is best for MY child obviously doesn’t matter or the state she is in or NC would immediately remove her from the home in which she lives with a convicted child molestor!!!


My wife & I separated very soon after I started questioning the paternity of the child she was carrying. She has not responded to two different letters I have had attorneys send her regarding custody and paternity. The child has been born, and bears my wife’s maiden name, while my wife still has my last name. I do not yet have a copy of the birth certificate. What am I supposed to do here?