Due to the complexity of my divorce settlement and in addition to the fact the proceedings involve multiple states, I realize an attorney would serve me best; however having spent well over $600k on legal fees and constantly fighting to compel my Ex to pay support for which he is $106,000 in arrears…I am going to try this one on my own. It is not right that I have to incur legal fees in the five figure range just to get him to do what the court ordered.
Where does one find examples of Civil Contempt Motions for Non Payment of Child Support specific to NC and can you recommend any NC case law to cite. Is there a form or do I draft the motion…I must have 75 motions and petitions from MI and IL. Is there a place to go and research this?
For the NC child support (I’m dealing with the same thing regarding Eq. Dist.) … have you checked with NCCSE (NC Child Support Enforcement) and let THEM handle it? They’ve been a GODSEND to me so that I wouldn’t incur attorney fees and most of the time, I don’t even have to appear in court.
However, it sounds like yours might be an extremely complicated case and I’m unsure how NCCSE would work in that instance.
You need to file a motion for contempt or a motion for order to appear and show cause. There are no statewide forms available for these motions, but some counties have forms available. You will need to look at the child support statutes located in chapter 50. Child Support Enforcement may be beneficial to you. If you do not want to go through them, you should consider using Rosen Online, a monthly service which can help answer detailed questions and provide forms.