Hoping for an attorney with this one as well. . . . DNA test

If I can get a DNA test from the father proving paternity, would all of this be over for me - period, end of story, NO more dealing with my STBX, no more worrying about him trying to interfere with my child and myself, I can go on about my life and move next week & begin my job in another state???

Thanks ~

If your ex has obtained an order preventing you from leaving the state, you will have to attend the next scheduled hearing and prove he is not the father in court, by way of DNA evidence, and any other evidence you may have complied.

What more do I need than a DNA test?

What kind of pleading do I need to file in support of the DNA test (in other words, what will the DNA test results be attached to as Exhibit ___)?

Can I just file that pleading along with a Motion to Dismiss the Order that my STBX filed so that I do not have to stay until the hearing?

How can I find out if he actually filed anything naming me as Defendant???

Finally, when the DNA test results are submitted to Court, will all of this be over for me - period, end of story, NO more dealing with my STBX, no more worrying about him trying to interfere with my child and myself, I can go on about my life & begin my job in another state???

Thanks so much!

It may be a good idea to have the father of the child in court as well, in addition to the DNA test.
In order to find out if your ex has actually filed a motion, I assuming you were not served with any court documents, you may check in the clerk’s office by doing a search of your name.
If you can prove that your ex is not the child’s father he will have no rights to the child.
Again, I do not practice in this area of the law and I strongly suggest you meet with an attorney who specializes in juvenile matters before proceeding.