Good question, I am in the same predicament and would like an answer. Also, would it do anything to support being paid out if the spouse of the parent is actually footing some of the bills?
Of course the final decision rests on the insurance company, but it seems to me as long as the exwife agrees, it should not be a problem, since it is the policy that their father is on. The tricky part might be getting her to agree, as it is not his policy, but yours. I know it sounds petty, but I might have a problem with my exhusbands “new” wife paying for insurance (or anything else)for my kids. (I know, I know, don’t say it, that’s not putting the kids first) It may all boil down to how well you and ex get along. Then again I am not an attorney, but hopefully one will answer you soon.
Thanks for your comments.
I know she will never agree to this, she hates me. She blames me because she’s miserable in this new life she chose. She got a boyfriend, left her husband and children, moved out of the house and into an apartment so she could go out with her single friends any night of the week. A month and 1/2 later when I met her husband they had just signed separation agreement and to him that meant it was over. We started dating and haven’t looked back since. I guess she assumed that he would still be there when she got this all out of her system and since he and I are together now, it’s all my fault.
Regardless, I guess I’m just wondering that with them having joint custody does she really have to agree? I’m thinking that as long as the kids are covered it shouldn’t matter by whom, but I want to make sure there is no legal reason that I couldn’t carry them before we do get married and I change my policy.
[i]Originally posted by mathkittycat[/i] [br]Good question, I am in the same predicament and would like an answer. Also, would it do anything to support being paid out if the spouse of the parent is actually footing some of the bills?
I have looked up this before actually on this website about the stepparent paying support. It says on here that if there is a written agreement, notarized that the stepparent will pay support that that contract could be held up even without adoption. It does not change the amount of the support the parent pays, unless there is a major life change in the child’s needs or the parent’s income.
The only thing that most agreements say is that “parent” needs to provide insurance coverage for the minor children. If you marry and your company/insurance provider allows you to add his children onto the policy, then you should be ok. Go to your benefits administrator at work and ask them if you can cover his children on your policy.
My boyfriend was court ordered to provide insurance coverage for his children, which in itself is not an issue. He was providing coverage and was not planning on stopping. He and his ex have court ordered joint custody, but she makes a big deal out of everything even if it doesn’t involve the children. I am planning to carry him on my medical insurance when we marry next month so my question is, is there any legal reason that I couldn’t carry his children also?