Is it beneficial to journal discussions/ argurments with my wife. We are about to split and she quietly brings the children into our discussions by saying " I didn’t know they were there" and " well, I’m not going to lie to them". These are discussions that they have no business hearing. I have been journaling them for the last 6 months. She makes about 1/4 of what I do, does her behavior have any impact on child support or alimony payments. She says how she will have “full custody” of the kids and I will have to pay tons of child support and alimony…I feel that she has been very inappropriate in the information about our relationship she is giving to our children and is doing this to create hostility between me and them.
Journaling can be very helpful and will help you create a time line of events to remember which may be important if your case later ends up in court.
Child support is calculated based on the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines (there is a calculator on the homepage) and is not affected b y one’s behavior.
Alimony is based on the reasonable needs of the dependent spouse, and the ability of the supporting spouse to pay. There are a number of factors the court can consider in ruling on the amount and duration of support, the list is outlined in the statute which you can find under the Alimony tab on the home page.