I have created My Motion to Show Cause for contempt. How do I get a judge to sign the Notice and Order to Show Cause? I always get my Motions and Notices together from my ex’s. I never get a notice of hearing for the motion to show cause before it is heard.
You will file the motion with the clerk, and the clerk will issue the Order to Appear.
Do I just take my typed Notice and Order to Show Cause with the dates that the judge saw it blanked out, give it to the clerk, and the clerk will take it to the judge to sign at some point. Then at a later date, I come back and pick it up to have it serviced?
I don’t understand how the judge signs the Notice and Order to Show Cause.
The judge does not sing the notice, the clerk does, and will do so when you take the motion for filing.
The notices in Lincoln County I have received have been signed by a judge presiding and I was never in court. Is it different in each county?
It could be, I do not practice in Lincoln Co. I would suggest you contact the clerk for further direction.