Requests and Providing Documents

My Ex is continually asking for things from me, documents, bills, etc. and I have been very compliant in giving them. Now she has requested copies of all of our tax returns over the years, and our bankruptcy papers from 2003. Telling me she has to have them TODAY, and threatening me if I don’t give them to her. These are A LOT of copies, and there would be some cost to have them all copied, or considerable amount of time and toner and paper costs to do it myself. I don’t want to give them to her to make copies as I will never see them again, and I am not trying to be difficult, but do I have to give them to her TODAY? There are no pending court dates, hearings, etc. And from those documents would she need every single piece of paper? What CAN I give her? Thanks.

If there is no court order which requires you to turn the documents over today you do not have to. I would suggest that you do have copies made, or even agree to meet your ex at Kinko’s or some other place where copies can be made, she can then copy exactly what she believes she needs and pay the expense herself.

Thanks Erin, Good idea!

No problem. I wish you the best.

If she’s on those tax returns and the bankruptcy she can obtain all those documents on her own through those agency’s. I would offer to meet her for her to get copies at her own expense but if she continues her demands let her get them herself.

I’m sorry you are going through this. I saw your other post as well. Sounds like you have a long road ahead of you. (been there done that!)