Selling the martial home

My husband wants a divorce, and he said he is selling the house without my permission.
We bought the house after six months of marriage.We both signed for the home. Later because of my credit problems, we went to a lawyer and had my name removed from the deed.
A year later when the stock market took a nose dive, I suggested we take the money out ( this was his money before we were married) and pay off the house, and so he did.
Now two years and six months of marriage ,he wants a divorce!

When I married him he told me he was an Alcoholic, who needs to go to AA meeting several times a week.
As time went by, he stopped going to AA meetings and has been actively drinking day and night, with sober days in between.
He has now become verbally abusive. He has told he he wants a divorce on his terms, he is going to sell the house and he will give me 30,000 and thats it ,and I will go with him to his lawyer and sign the divorce papers, or I will get nothing, He says the house no loner belongs to me, It is his house! We bought this house for 256,000, with today’s market it maybe worth 330,00 as it lends to views of lake Norman.

We are senior citizens I’m in my 60’s and he is 71… I receive SS benefits of about 900 a month, I have no money to move out with, or for anything. I have no place to go, I need money to establish a home for my self and my two puppys.
I seemed forced to accept his offer. Is there anything else I can do?

Thank you Soon2B

Your husband cannot sell the house without your signature on the listing agreement. The home is martial property and cannot be sold without your consent even if your name is not on the deed, it is martial property.

His threats are not warranted, as you are entitled to one half of the marital property, and I see no reason why you should “get nothing”.

You are also entitled to financial support from him if you are the dependant spouse, and may seek an award of attorney’s fees as well. I suggest you meet with an attorney in the near future to make a plan to remove yourself from this situation.