I did some research for you and here is what I found. Apparently until a court intervenes it is the branch of military that your spouse is in determines the initial support.
I can not find anything about your right to remain in housing. My suggestion would be to see if there is a professional on the base that can help. Please also make sure that you are watching out for your own interests, do not leave it up to the military. Seek an outside attorney if needed.
Here is what I found for the marines and you can view the whole page at: military-divorce-guide.com/f … upport.htm
Marine Corps Family Support
LEGADMINMAN, Chapter 15 sets up monthly support standards Marines must follow, depending upon the status of the family member, but note that a Marine is never obligated to pay more than 1/3 or his/her “gross military pay” (defined as total pay an allowances received by the Marine):
Civilian spouse/children in military housing: $200 per supported person.
Civilian spouse/children not in military housing: The greater of BAH with-dependents or $200 per supported person.
Multiple families: The greater of the pro rata share of BAH with-dependents or $200 per supported person.
Military spouse: No support obligation.
Military spouse with all children: The greater of BAH with-dependents or $200 per supported person.
Military spouse with children split between the parties: the greater of the pro-rata share of BAH with-dependents or $200 per supported person.
A commanding officer may relieve the Mariner of the support obligation in cases where the Marine cannot determine “whereabouts and welfare of the child concerned”, the civilian spouse committed documented physical abuse against the Marine, or the family member to whom the support obligation would be owing is in jail.
Here are two other sites that you should visit:
usmilitary.about.com/od/divorce/ … paydiv.htm
Best of luck