Whats my next step legally

Oh i forgot to add that she has moved in with him already and we havnt done any seperation papers yet.

Thanks for any help
broken hearted

She has thrown everything in your lap. She left you with the kidss(abandonment) and the right to child support, she comitted adultry inwhich you should get alimony. and why would you want a woman that left you and the kids for another man. Yes, please get a lawyer, and don’t let her talk you into no kind of agreement. if nothing else think about the future financial stability for you and the kids deal with that first and then watch the never seen before Monster come out of you ex-wife.

what about criminal conversation i have the emails she sent? what are the chances of winning? also going to see an attorney today hope he can help me im lost.

Thanks for any help
broken hearted

Dear tjones:

Greetings. Yes, follow the guidelines for child support. Regardless of what you do, she is not likely to come back. What would your life be like if she does come back after this large betrayal? Maybe you can ask some of the other forum members this since they have done similar things - like letting their spouse back in after a separation due to cheating only to be burned again, usually worse, later.

You may have a great case for alienation of affection, but how much are you willing to spend if you don’t get anything? Thank you.

Janet L. Fritts
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm

4101 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 500
Raleigh, North Carolina 27607
919.787.6668 main phone
919.256.1665 direct fax

301 McCullough Drive Suite 510
Charlotte, North Carolina 28262
704.644.2831 main voice
704.307.4595 main fax

1829 East Franklin Street, Bldg 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919.321.0780 main phone
919.787.6668 main fax

The response posted above is based upon the limited factual information made available and is not intended as a full and complete response to the question. The only reliable manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney, fully explain your situation, and allow the attorney sufficient opportunity to research the applicable law and facts required to render an accurate opinion. The basic information provided above is intended as a public service but a full discussion with an attorney should be undertaken before taking any action.

Well i cant sue for A of A she wanted me to put that in sep. agreement so she would sign everything else over to me,but low and behold my attorney the wize all knowing told me i could sue for criminal conversation since i have the emails (lol).So when i told my wife about it she went berzerk(lol)

Thanks for any help
broken hearted

Hi tjones
I am so sorry for you and your children this should never happen to you or to anyone else it is not your fault she (if you forgive what I say about her) but she is a loser and a piece of S@#$ that cheated on you and your children if you did take her back your life will never be the same but alot worse you will never trust her again and to tell you the truth you will do alot better without her and she will do it again its an EGO thing.
Trust me I wam going trough the same BS and yes I am suing her boyfriend and I hope I get everything that rotten piece of S@#$ has. Its not the fact that my ex loser wife did and of 17yrs but when you tell the man to back off and does not then what oh yes you sue him. He is nothing but a home wrecker just like in your case he is a home wrecker and your wife will find this out when she sees what she has done and lost just give it time.
I hope you changed the locks on your house and by all means do not let her in the house she is the out spouse and she can only come in if you let her in she will try just me like mine did but I seen though her.
My ex is so bad right now when we went to court she lied and got cought every time when my lawyer asked her questions I would never have thought this about her but goes to show you people do change and being that she is the loser and a lair and soon to be ex she is very mean and it will only get worse and I know this and you should know this yourself because your STBX will do the same and I am sure that everyone else that is on this forum has gone though this and you know what it stinks but I guess this what happens when the ex becomes the enemy some ex’s do not become one not in my case and sounds like yours too.
Life will go on and in time you will see this and the best thing to do is to look at yourself and really think good about yourself I did and the out come is great I have changed myself and my out look towards people and I will have a new life with my new wife when the time comes right now I must focus on the children and get life moving. This is the other thing you must do aswell be with your children don’t let them be torn about this tell them that you love them very much, they are the ones who always gets the bad end my did at first but they understand that I will never take her back and in time they will find out what kind of a mother she really is just like yours I don’t know how old your children are but mine are 12 and 11.
Sorry this is so long but you really need to think this one out not easy is it? Should you get a lawyer you may want one because this is only going to get worse for you and the children plan ahead and do not tell her what you are doing keep her in the dark as she did you. I hope this bite of writing helped you out a little.
God bless you and your children
Bye for now

my wife left me with 2 kids for another man she has agreed to pay child support i told her 80 dollars a week for now (i didnt want to push her further away fro me) she said ok then asked me to sign a paper saying that. i said NO. should i go now and let the lawyers handle it or still try to be civil (i want her back).according the the child support calculator its more per week.should i sue him for alienation of affection and what are the chances of winning?i have some emails they wrote to each other,what about custody can i get it since she left?and can i get a lawyer to make her pay the legal fees or half?

thanks for your help


Thanks for any help
broken hearted