Withholding Child Support

I would suggest that you pay the minimum payment so you don’t damage both of your credit. Stop using this credit card and have it canceled immediately. Why do you still have a joint credit card anyway? This will just create problems and issues that you don’t need. Work to establish your own credit and then this will be a non-issue and neither party can use child support or use the child(ren) as leverage.

[i]Originally posted by docholliday[/i] [br]Can my ex withhold child support because I have been late (just over 30 days) in paying a mutually held credit card? He says he will put the owed child support in escrow with his attorney until I have paid the credit card bill? He threatened this once before when I was late with the credit card payment and when I finally received child support, it came in the form of a personal check - not from his attorney. Is he bluffing?

This is a card that has not been used for over 7 years and if I had the financial means to pay it off completely I certainly would.

just pay the minimum amount and move on…

Child support is entirely independent of any property settlement you have, I don

Can my ex withhold child support because I have been late (just over 30 days) in paying a mutually held credit card? He says he will put the owed child support in escrow with his attorney until I have paid the credit card bill? He threatened this once before when I was late with the credit card payment and when I finally received child support, it came in the form of a personal check - not from his attorney. Is he bluffing?