2 Questions

The answer to this question depends partially on the age of your children. If your children need full time care form your Husband then the fact that he stayed home may not necessarily hurt them. However, if they are old enough that he could work and he simply chooses not to, that could have an impact on alimony.

When a court is making a decision regarding alimony they will take all relevant facts into consideration, the lack of a physical relationship in your marriage will be something the court could consider.

Helena M. Nevicosi
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm

4101 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 500
Raleigh, North Carolina 27607
919.787.6668 main phone
919.787.6361 main fax

Charlotte Office
301 McCullough Drive
Suite 510
Charlotte, NC 28262
Main Phone: (704)307.4600
Main Fax: (704) 9343.0044

Durham & Chapel Hill Office
1829 East Franklin Street
Building 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 321.0780

The response posted above is based upon the limited factual information made available and is not intended as a full and complete response to the question. The only reliable manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney, fully explain your situation, and allow the attorney sufficient opportunity to research the applicable law and facts required to render an accurate opinion. The basic information provided above is intended as a public service only, a full discussion with an attorney should be undertaken before taking any action. The information posted on this forum is available for public viewing and is not intended to create an attorney client relationship with any individual. These answers are provided for informational purposes only, a person should consult with their own individual legal counsel before taking any action that could affect their legal rights or obligations.

My husband and I have been married for 13 years. For the past 2 years he has been staying home taking care of our children. Shortly after he stopped working I was diagnosed with cancer. I asked him to get a job so I could either work part time or switch to a less stressful job, which would have meant a pay cut. He never even looked for a job. Would this be taken into consideration when determining alimony?

On a different topic, my husband is addicted to pornography. So much so that he stopped sleeping in our room and does not express any interest in sex. We have not slept together for over 6 years. Would this impact alimony?

Thank you.