Hi Brokenhearted
I feel for you trust me I have been there and it stinks Iwould never have thought that the one that I was with so many years and with 2 children would do should a thing not just to me but the children and all our love ones even her self.
When did you seperate? I did not see anything about when sorry.
He is trying to put the blame on you this only shows that he is wrong and he knows it. Mine tried the same but it went right back in her face because of all the lies she has done. Once they lie they have to keep on doing it and looks like that is why he is doing.
Do you stil LOVE him? If so you have alot of thinking to do why I am saying this I had to not easy to do but the one thing you need to ask yourself if he did come back into your life would you be able to ever trust him again thats a question I asked myself what if what if and I came with the same answer and it is NO my daughter said to me “you would want her back for what she has done” at one time yes but now never she a loser and will always be one. My daughter is 13 going on 21 lol she has been though to much has no respect for her and does not want to be with her at all but no choice right now.
Suing yes go for it I am suing that piece of S!@# and I hope to get as much out of him as can he nothing but a home wrecker just like in your case she is one. My case he has been married twice the first one cheated on him very bad and second one just left so there must be something with this guy but not for me to judge let the court do it.
Again I know how you feel empty lonely no where to look no where to turn and so much more I walked that path like so many others but my path is coming to the end and I will start a new path one that I want with the right woman who wants what I want and what she wants to give and I time we will find each other and you will to in time just think happy and things will be just great you.
Good luck to you hope this helped you a little
Bye for now
he left the day after christmas for the last time but just this week was the texting that he wanted to come back and then she text me “love you too” and i text him and asked if she was playing with my head or was he playing with my heart – and he called me and said that he was not playing with my heart and then the next day – which was yesterday – he emailed me and said that it would not work we still had issues that we would never agree on but that he wants to be friends so that we can help each other thru this
but i cant be friends – he has played with my emotions for over a year now – how can he expect me to be friends – i can be cordial because of our child – but can he be cordial after i take both of them to court – i don’t know but i don’t really care – he hasn’t cared while he was doing this – so i will say what i said to him “what have i got to lose”
Your right what do you have to lose sounds like its over I will tell you this I hope you changed the locks and all his stuff is out if not do so he can not come in the house unless you let him so do not let him in. He left the house so now he is the out spouse also stop texting each other this only hurts you the woman is playing games with you and she knows it she knows how to push your buttons and to make you feel bad so stop with the text and the emails only talk if ust on the phone and only to him keep that piece of S!@# out of the seen and tell him that too.
To be friends oh hell no mine tried that too and I told her that are you crazy leave me alone if I had friends like you who needs emenies thats what I told her. We talked last night what a joke that was shw is telling that it is my fault and told that your in a dream she is closing the other shop now thats my fault right lol hmm.
Like I said before he knows that he is wrong now its just time hope this works out for you soon
Bye for now
I just answered this - yes you have grounds in my humble opinion for alienation of affection. Thanks
Janet L. Fritts
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm
4101 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 500
Raleigh, North Carolina 27607
919.787.6668 main phone
919.256.1665 direct fax
301 McCullough Drive Suite 510
Charlotte, North Carolina 28262
704.644.2831 main voice
704.307.4595 main fax
1829 East Franklin Street, Bldg 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919.321.0780 main phone
919.787.6668 main fax
The response posted above is based upon the limited factual information made available and is not intended as a full and complete response to the question. The only reliable manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney, fully explain your situation, and allow the attorney sufficient opportunity to research the applicable law and facts required to render an accurate opinion. The basic information provided above is intended as a public service but a full discussion with an attorney should be undertaken before taking any action.
in january of 2005, i found cell phone bills dating back to august of 2004 to a lady that my husband works with – he said that hey were just friends – there was one weekend though that me and him had gone to the beach for “the honeymoon” we never had – we had a great time – but on the phone bills he had called her at all hours of the night and morning – the phone calls stopped for a while after i found the bills – his excuse was that she was going thru a hard time in her marriage and that we had gotten thru all of that and were doing better and he was trying to help her with her problems – there were phone calls when i was gone to church on wednesday nights sunday mornings sunday nights at trainings for church at camp with the youth – he left in may for the first time then he came back home in july – in september i found a text message after labor day weekend to her that said just a quick hello see ya soon – i approached him with it he got mad and told me that it was none of my business – i got mad and put my hand up and he left for work – he called me and texted me all day long and i would not answer – he came home that evening and told me that he could not live without me that there was nothing to there relationship except for friendship and that he would spend the rest of his life making me glad that i did not leave – he then left again in october – then in dec he came back for 11 days after emailing me that his love had never left this house and that he was miserable – after he had been home for 4 days we sat down to talk and he told me that he had only come back home because of our son and that he couldn’t stand to see me hurt – i asked him if he had had an affair and he said it is according to what you call an affair and he said i didn’t sleep with her but we came real close and i said how close and he said real close and i said are you in love with her and he said “i don’t know, i like trena, yea, i like trena alot” – then he left the day after christmas – i finally got to where i was ok – this just about killed me – and then this monday he started texting me about him being lost, not happy, and we started texting back and forth him wanting to know if i thought there was a chance for us – and of course suckered back in i said yes love conquers all – well last nite at 10:37 i get a text on my cell phone from trena that says “love you too” i text me h and said is she playing with my head or are you playing with my heart he said no he wasn’t playing with my heart – we talked for a while and we still disagreed over some issues that we had in our marriage – but today he emails me and says you said you want me happy and that if i come back i need to come back because i love you and we have issues that we will never see eye to eye on and that it is best if we don’t – we did have issues we did not agree on things with my son/his step son – and i did threaten to leave and he said that i turned my back on him
he refuses to admit that he has slept with her – he refuses to
admit that she has anything to do with him leaving – he says that i ruined the marriage the first time i chose my son over him – and i also need to say this – the three times that he spanked my son – he left bruises on his bottom – the last time my dad threatened to call dss – yes my son has gone out of control and that is being blamed all on me by my husband – but i have always loved my husband and still do and this is killing me – i have asked them to stop calling
he has admitted that they have been out a couple of times since we separated – but we have no signed papers – i have not gone out with anybody – one weekend when he was keeping our son – i went to a local bar with my best friend and there he was with trena he had left our son with his mom and dad – and out of all the time that we have been separated that was only the 2nd time that he had kept him over nite in probably a 2 month period – when i walked in the bar they walked out and got in his truck – i went out and lost it and pushed him and went to her side of the truck and beat the window for her to talk to me and she would not look up and he pulled off
this has ruined my life and we have a son together that is 13
he even bought me diamonds in january and february of 2005 but now says that he just bought them to try to get along
do i have grounds for alienation of affection – without proof that they are having an affair