Forgive me for this long post [:I]Am a victim of romance fraud under
siege. Met Randy (47) in Wilmington 2005.A most respectful gent,attentive,soul mate,best friend,constant companion,lover.His family warmly embraced me into their lives/family/church, of course he said WE should help his bro/sister-in-law to be… out with financially crisis by ME lending $20K.Married Jan 2006.BLISS after 32 yr abusive marriage which recvd 2005 settlement of $300K rolled in IRA,I bought house prior to marriage.He hadn’t a dime,anything.Pressured into buying $$$$$ tools for biz that soon bombed, $$$$$ in musical gear for our band,Cars before/1 bgt after wed,MONEY,money,money,-spun ornate web of deceptions,lies,tales of academy award level.Bogus illnesses artfully staged:cancer,diabetes,bipolar,etc for sympathy,why NO sex wedding night&thereafter,supposed manic espisodes to justify actions.Transforming from wedding night:increasingly argumentative,highly agitated,explosive,watching my every step.Pronounced me untouchable,controlling,selfish ■■■■■ yankee daily wishing me dead.His hi-energy performance from start insisted upon taking care of MY sole checking,kept my mind-boggled,so much $$ being spent transferring from my IRA to cover all.Discovered too late his 13pg local criminal record/jail time: repeat felon,forgery,larceny,uttering,B&E,etc…with condom found in his wallet.Pacing til my 28 dgtr came to live here:cant drive a car from anxieties besides he was joined at my hip,I from out of state with not a friend.Mid May had him arrested for threatening my life,etc/He sabotaged my home before arrest also stealing every key I had for ALL:biz,cars,buildgs,house.Upon scanning part of checking acct I can see LOTS of withdrawals every month,found my name forged on document,credit card debit…probably tip of iceburg.Spent much changing locks,repairing some of mess.Minutes after his release Randy had fabricated protection order on ME,hired top bulldog attny(from monies he stole from me or?)serving me divorce papers.From 300K I only a few thousin IRA,$4000mo debt paymts with ONLY $800 income,my once paid for house mortgaged,tax liens from IRA withdrawals,credit card debts over my ears,my new biz he’s sabotaging.He (tho no proof)broke into one of my buildings,mega goods GONE while I’m in a nose dive as its clear as 1st rushed hearing for his interim relief,judge glared at me saying how dispicable to not let a man have his teeth?and NO car,no tools of trade without knowing ANYTHING about anything and whatever said made no difference.I had no chance to gather mtn of receipts,papers.My lawyer working seemingly to me in concert with judge and opposition…as I am treated as CRIMINAL rather than victim as I’ve gone to sheriff’s,probation officer,court,magistrates,detective, etc etc and hear that Columbus Co’s reputation is bad,all being in bed with one another,all about connections/good ole boys clan…and dislike of this calif raised YANKEE. A lawyer out of another county MIGHT break this up however can NOT afford any attny let alone my present do-nothing curt lawyer who thinks all is going swell…while judge ordered Randy to have my newly acquired $12K cash Ford truck,tools of trade(from what he didnt steal and what tools of trade? fraud?time spent in prison?)ONE yr married and he wants alimony,property,equity in my home, its the judge’s perspective I could hear/see that I owe this sweetheart swindler husband of ONE year a means to earn a living, $12K truck(only one I have any equity in, everything left.I am not jumping to conclusions here.This case is already decided.Legal aid tells me they do not provide lawyers for my kind of case.I AM DOOMED…to have him take in court what he didnt already steal…to have me in the street at age 60.Injunction on ALL so I have NO means to sell my house,truck,to pay mega bills/survive for a time.This man is relishing to destroy me completely…and not stopping.He has an entourage of lowlifes coming at me from all sides.NOTHING I can concretely prove but forgery and NO time or money to hunt/investigate/am sick ready for a breakdown working 16 days trying to get my biz sustained as its only running in red…YET only hope to get income going to survive!! I am wide open ready to go down the drain!! exhausted,sick,sick of heart,with ALL cards against me.DONT know how to go pro-se and with his bull dog attny who slams hearings one after another??? Thought of transcripts of hearing in effort to change in court to adjacent county…but I am a non-attny.Wanted to check ALL national records for criminal, divorce, marriages. Paid 3X at and NO registration gone thru.My mind is having DARK dismal thoughts yet I’m a lover of life-eversmiling or was. NOT unintelligent…yet many would think I deserve this from being stupid…not knowing the extent of the adept trickery,con,swindle,scam of a career criminal. SORRY for posting this for I’m at hopeless point feeling ashamed to burden in a lost cause.
Jessica Almond