My divorce attorney came highly recommended. However, I have had problems from the start with what I am being billed.
Every time I get a bill, it is vague and merely has block type entries. For example I’m getting billed for “case conference” or “review documents” or “court appearance” with no further explanation. I have asked for a breakdown but have never been given any more information. There are many times when I have received a bill for “court appearance” and I had no idea my attorney was even going to court, much less what was discussed or presented.
Also, there is no break down for the work his paralegal has done, which is who I speak with 90% of the time. She drafted several letters but he billed me his hourly rate.
I am always billed by the entire hour rather than the actual time spent working on my case.
I have repeatedly asked for specific information on what was specifically done, only to be told that further explanations will only increase the amount of time I get billed.
Short of firing him, is there any other recourse? I do not feel like I am obligated to pay this bill. Or am I???
Thanks in advance for any help.
If you are unable to get any further information from the attorney or staff in his office about a breakdown of the fees and what they were for, other than switching attorneys, you may want to consider the NC State Bar’s Fee Dispute Resolution Program. This program can help resolve conflicts regarding attorney’s fees between an attorney and a client.
If you don’t pay the bill, the attorney could file a civil lawsuit against you to collect payment of it.
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest
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