I’m not sure where to start. I have been with this man for 25 years, married for 10. We always considered ourselves married the whole time we were together. It was a beautiful relationship until I got sick.
I had to have a surgery that after it was done, I had to relearn to walk, write, eat, etc. I was three months into my recovery and he decides to have a affair. I wasn’t informed until after over a year. We tried to work on the marriage but he just wasn’t present emotionally or physically. I found that the affair never ended the day he walked out.
He is self employed and he gets paid cash for lots of things. I have proof that he makes $30 a hour but he hasn’t filed taxes in years.
He’s out there living it up while I am fighting to keep my home that he hasn’t paid on since last June and keeping things going. He was paying for small bills randomly but he got upset with me and he isn’t speaking to me at all now.
I need him to do the right thing but I’m so confused about how to do it. There’s so much more to it but I don’t think I can get it all out.
You likely need to file a lawsuit against him for equitable distribution (property), postseparation support, and alimony.
Having a lawsuit filed will require him to produce evidence of his income including bank statements, business records, business invoices or sales receipts, credit card statements, etc. It is possible to prove income beyond tax returns or tax-related documents.
You may find our free NC Divorce Legal Webinar to be very helpful as you start the separation and divorce process. This is presented live and covers equitable distribution and alimony (along with child custody, child support, and absolute divorce). Upcoming dates will be announced soon so you can register in advance.
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest
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