i have several issues i would like clarification on:
I have been working with a PC for a year now. I am still having the same issues as before in fact I think the PC has made things worse as my ex and i don’t communicate at all now. Nothing has been resolved; the only thing established is a large bill I have to pay. The PC sides with my ex and is rude and disrespctful to me. I have brought this to the courts attention and asked the PC be removed or changed. My motion was denied. I have had to file bankruptcy and included the PC fees in the bankruptcy; is it likely that the court will dismiss the PC since I filed for bankruptcy? What can I do about the PC’s behavior?
We had an Order established when I had a lawyer 2 yrs ago. There have been changes made since the PC has been in place. The judge asked the PC to draw up the new order; 2 months later (and prior to my filing bankruptcy) theres still no order from the PC. Does that mean the old Order still prevails?
I am suppose to have my child for Thanksgiving. I have emailed my ex and the PC since August asking what can be worked out since my child lives out of state. Nothing has been worked out. My ex hasn’t responded to any emails about thanksgiving. I have brought her into court for contempt and nothing happens to her; and thats how we got the PC assigned to us. I am being denied visitation, my weekly calls, my ex doesn’t send updates as she is ordered to do or provide information all this is against the order. My ex has been brought in twice now for contempt but the Judge doesn’t do anything about it. What can I do? If I file again will I get the same results? Does this not prove that the PC isn’t helping our case?
My ex provided me with medical receipts late June. 2 receipts she wanted reimbursed for were not provided. She refuses to send them to me. Am I still responsible eventhough there was no receipt provided? I have asked CS for assistance as she always allows the medical bills to accumulate to a large bill before sending me the receipts. I have only seen 2011 medical receipts through June I have asked several times for monthly or quarterly statements but she refuses to send them in a timely manner. What can I do about this?
My ex emailed my email account telling my wife to do us all a favor and die. My ex also called me recently and told me to put her on speaker phone where she yelled, and cursed out my wife who is expecting. We don’t need this type of drama in our lives. My ex is ordered no contact with my wife. What can be done about this?
I am just a father who wants to be involved with his child. I have moved on with my life and my ex should move on with hers. I have tried to do everything the best I can do; my ex didn’t want to work out visitation so we had to go to court, now I feel the court is failing me. What is a good father to do? No wonder so many fathers give up…I am exhausted after fighting 4 yrs through court just to be able to see my child.
Thank you for your time and assistance!