Step-parent facing criminal charges

If this has been ongoing for the last year, have their been any incidents involving the children? I think it’s unlikely that the court would order no contact with the children unless there has been.

If a no contact order is put into place for you then that should only affect you and her. That would essentially be forcing your ex to choose between his wife and his children. I think that the supervision of the contact would be left up to your ex…

While the behavior is concerning, unless there is some evidence that she poses a threat to the children, she will probably not be ordered not to have any contact with them. However, if her behavior escalates to the point that she is speaking negatively about you and acting out in front of the children, you may be able to file an action to modify custody and ask the court to limit her time around the children.

Helena M. Nevicosi
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm

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Suite 510
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My ex’s new wife (of 3 months) is about to be charged with criminal harassment due to repeated and ongoing harassment of me (100 incidents over the last year). She will likely be ordered to have no contact with me. Currently, I have primary custody and my ex has visitation.

I’m concerned about her mental stability (because of this and other incidents). We have no history of hostilities and I have interacted with her outside the harassment probably less than a dozen times. Since I don’t know her and her behavior seems bizarre to me I am concerned about my well-being as well as my kids.

How likely is it that I could get the courts to order her to also not have contact with my children? Or that she is not allowed unsupervised contact? I guess what I’m really wondering is what effect her conviction and/or admission of harassing me can have on our custody/visitation.