I have been divorced for about 2 years now in North Carolina. The divorce was smooth and went off without a hitch and we used one attorney to complete it and have no formal agreements for visitation but have been doing 50/50 with visitation since we separated.
Now I punished my 14 year old daughter for her behavior ( which did not include any violence) and took her cell phone and laptop that i purchased for her and pay the bills on away from her. She refuses to talk to me and when I was trying to talk with her she hid in the girls locker room and her mother said d " she does not want to talk with you or see you right now and nothing I can do about it".
Part of this stems because I am getting remarried soon and she does not like the fact that her parents are never going to be together again… But can I make my ex wife have her come out to see me? or do I need to get a court order to do that?
If you don’t have custody terms written into a separation agreement or a custody court order, then you have no formal recourse.
While it is difficult to force a teenager to see the other parent, one parent also cannot withhold the child or not encourage the child to see the other parent. The best way to ensure that you are able to see your child is to have a court order specifying the custody schedule.
Anna Ayscue
Attorney with Rosen Law Firm Cary • Chapel Hill • Durham • Raleigh • Wake Forest
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