My husband and I have been separated since October. We had an open relationship before that (sex w/others was allowed) and when he moved out, he moved in with a “girlfriend” and they got “engaged” - which was FINE b/c I wanted him gone. Now, their relationship isn’t great and he’s trying to control my life & says we’re gonna “work on us” and he’s “staying at the house to keep me in check” and is essentially forcing his way into my home to stay.
We have not signed a separation agreement - but he has the address of the apt. they shared on his bank account, etc.
I have not had any other relationships since we’ve been apart - really enjoying being responsible for me.
So, at this moment, I’m at work - and I can put money on it that when I get home, he’ll be there expecting to stay. He still has some things there. He still has a key (to be able to access things for the kids when he occasionally has them). Do I have ANY thing I can do to keep him out?
This blowup happened b/c I asked him if he could keep the children for me to go on a group camping trip in 2 weekends before I made other arrangements for childcare, by the way. He’s been living with someone else for most of the last 6 months.
I am so ready to be divorced.