Need advice asap!

I have been married for 17 years and have 2 minor children. I found out about 4 years ago that my husband is a meth addict. I have worked and worked to save my married, but I’ve finally realized that he is not going to change. I have had to take my kids and leave on several occasions. We always come back though, because he will promise to do better. I am ready now to leave for good. I have been mentally abused by him for many years now and I can’t take this anymore. I can’t afford to stay in the house and can’t afford to rent anything else either. I can’t even afford to hire any attorney. I make ok money but I have been paying most of the bills, buying all the groceries and everything that the children need for the past 7 months. I’m tired of being accused of doing things that I don’t do and tired of living with this insane man. He will not admit the drug abuse or see any help. He spends zero time with his children or me and blames us for ruining his life. I desperatly am seeking some advice on what to do and where to go for help. It is so hard living on egg shells and watching my children do the same. We deserve a better life and I’m ready to take that step. I just need guidance and monetary help. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks for any advice that you can give. :frowning:

You should leave with the children in order to ensure theirs safety as well as your own. You may stay with friends and family as you are not requited to establish a separate residence in order to initiate and action against your husband.
Once you leave the residence you will need to file an action for equitable distribution, child custody, child support ( and alimony and post separation support if your husband earns more than you. Most counties have some type of self serve clinic which offer forms and instructions on how to get the process started. This website also has several examples of Complaints which you may use as a guide.
You should go speak to an attorney to discuss the specifics of your situation, based on the facts you have listed you may even be entitled to have the court order your husband to reimburse you for the attorney’s fees you incur seeking custody and child support.