You could cancel all your credit cards. You should probably also contact the credit bureaus and notify them so at least they know what is going on. You could call your attorney and see what they suggest.
[i]Originally posted by gnwatson[/i] [br]My wife and I have been separated for almost 2 years now with divorce in the system right now. The house that she lived in last year and currently and the house that I now live in we have never shared together. However, all her housing information keeps showing up on my credit report and her bill collectors call my private number because she listed me as a reference long after we split.My question is: How do I keep her from using my SSN and name and number for her own personal gain??? I want nothing to do with her anylonger and she was the one who instigated the separation in the first place and now wants to use my information for her personal gain. What are my options to get her to stop??? Change my name and social???
I had a similar problem with my ex … he was putting me down as a reference for his loans, his car, etc… One thing you need to do is have some type of clause in your divorce papers about this topic … such as “you will not be held legally responsible for any debts she incurs” after the date of separation. You may also want something in the papers that says she will take your name on all papers, documents, etc… by a certain date. Hope this helped …
we had this problem EVEN WITH that clause typed into to the separation agreement. You will probably need to threaten with legal action as it falls under identity theft and that is very seriously prosecuted now.
I would think that it is illegal to use someones ssn without their knowledge I think its some kind of fraud and you might need to report it to someone, because if shes using you ssn she is probably signing your name as well, if your ssn is being used then find out where and ask for a copy of the contract and see if she signed your name or used any of your info.
My wife and I have been separated for almost 2 years now with divorce in the system right now. The house that she lived in last year and currently and the house that I now live in we have never shared together. However, all her housing information keeps showing up on my credit report and her bill collectors call my private number because she listed me as a reference long after we split.
My question is: How do I keep her from using my SSN and name and number for her own personal gain??? I want nothing to do with her anylonger and she was the one who instigated the separation in the first place and now wants to use my information for her personal gain. What are my options to get her to stop??? Change my name and social???